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Highlights from our Journey:


Scanning sessions at Boston Children's Hospital:

Model refinement from Boston Children's Hospital scans:

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image (3).png

Base removed

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Model cleanup process using Artec Studio and Blender

Accompanying educational videos to supplement 3D models:

Model cleanup process using Artec Studio and Blender

Visualization portal development for Boston Children's Hospital:

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Desktop and Web app

VR portal

Scanning session at Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Portal development for Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Desktop and Web app

VR portal

Portal development for Stanford Vascular Model Repository

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Portal development for CT, MRI, and echo with Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Orthoview, LUT control, Crop, Saved Views and Settings

Multiasset overlay for CT, MRI, and echo

Pin and label annotations

Quiz portal development with MRI Online

Initial scanning with Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Data visualization and data management system development with Children's Hospital Los Angeles and University of Southern California (Microscape)

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